The Paris Private Equity team is advising Fiblac (Financière de Blacailloux, the financial holding of the Chamoin family) as they enter, alongside a consortium, into exclusive discussions with Eurazeo regarding the acquisition of a majority stake in Albingia. Fiblac leads a consortium composed of the management team, as well as Krefeld, the family office of the Hermès families, and Fairfax Financial Holdings, a Canadian company specialising in insurance and re-insurance.
As of today, Albingia is the only independent player in the French commercial insurance lines market.
Under the terms of this agreement, Eurazeo would sell its entire financial stake of 70% in Albingia and Fiblac would become the majority shareholder ensuring control of the company.
The Goodwin team is led by Maxence Bloch and includes David Diamant, Laura Robez-Masson and Marie-Laure Homolle--d’Arras on corporate aspects, Charles-Henri de Gouvion Saint Cyr and Gauthier Pinabiaux on tax aspects.