Press Release
16 December 2024

Fiblac Enters Into Exclusive Negotiations to Become the Majority Shareholder of Albingia

The Paris Private Equity team is advising Fiblac (Financière de Blacailloux, the financial holding of the Chamoin family) as they enter, alongside a consortium, into exclusive discussions with Eurazeo regarding the acquisition of a majority stake in Albingia. Fiblac leads a consortium composed of the management team, as well as Krefeld, the family office of the Hermès families, and Fairfax Financial Holdings, a Canadian company specialising in insurance and re-insurance. 

As of today, Albingia is the only independent player in the French commercial insurance lines market.

Under the terms of this agreement, Eurazeo would sell its entire financial stake of 70% in Albingia and Fiblac would become the majority shareholder ensuring control of the company.

The Goodwin team is led by Maxence Bloch and includes David Diamant, Laura Robez-Masson and Marie-Laure Homolle--d’Arras on corporate aspects, Charles-Henri de Gouvion Saint Cyr and Gauthier Pinabiaux on tax aspects.