Press Release
April 19, 2017

NREP Forms €1.1 Billion Long-Term Capital Nordic Real Estate Fund

Goodwin advised pan-Nordic real estate investment manager, NREP, on the formation of a €1.1 billion long-term capital Nordic logistics real estate fund.

With an initial property portfolio of 49 modern logistics properties covering more than one million sqm, the NREP Logistics Property Fund has the largest modern logistics platform in the Nordic region. The fund will take a strategic, long-term approach to the Nordic logistics market and gradually grow the platform over time.

Investors in the fund included local Nordic pension funds as well as international institutional investors. The portfolio will be managed by NREP’s logistics operating platform Logicenters, the largest manager and developer of modern logistics real estate in the Nordics.

NREP is a leading Nordic private equity real estate firm focused on defensive value-add investment strategies in select segments of the Nordic market. NREP was established in 2005 and has since then raised nine funds and built market leading operating platforms in modern logistics, self-storage, necessity driven retail, student housing and middle-income residential. The firm currently has total assets under management of €3.2 billion and employs over 100 professionals across its offices in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo and Luxembourg.

The Goodwin team was led by partner Greg Barclay and associate Niall Dick.

Goodwin also advised NREP on a previous fund closing with the establishment of its €1.7 billion NSF2 fund.

For additional details on the fund, please read the press release