Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We are committed to the journey toward greater inclusivity for our firm, our clients and the communities where we live and work.

Our Approach

Goodwin’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is at the forefront of our firm’s core principles. Our DEI strategy is anchored by a two-pronged approach: implementing equity in our systems and centering the lived experiences of individuals within our organization.


We support our people by implementing systems that help us disrupt bias, eliminate hidden barriers to success, and promote equity. Initiatives include:

  • Structured interviewing
  • Updates to annual review and other processes
  • Mansfield Rule, certified and original signatory

We raise awareness; build diversity, equity, and inclusion competency; and create space for connection. These actions help us achieve our goal of fostering a sense of belonging for everyone. Initiatives include:

  • Upstander tips
  • Quarterly Inclusion Speaker Series
  • Allyship education
  • Affinity and resource groups

We provide learning and giving-back opportunities for our clients to help them achieve their own diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. Initiatives include:

  • Continuing legal education, community service, and pro bono offerings
  • Advisory services

Exploring the Art of Inclusion

Explore our hub to learn what Goodwin is doing to examine and improve our work processes, structures, mindsets and beliefs, and behaviors throughout the talent lifecycle. We are continually updating this page, so check back in for the latest insights.

Affinity Groups

The leaders of our affinity groups collaborate with firm management to advance our diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy. Retreats provide opportunities for group members to strengthen bonds, share knowledge, and grow professionally. Local councils in each office work to build community, offer training, host events, and support historically underrepresented populations. Each affinity group is open to all members of the Goodwin community, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or other demographic category.

BOLD@Goodwin promotes the gathering, recruitment, retention, and career mobility of Black professional staff at Goodwin by supporting cultural awareness, professional development, collegial support, and greater visibility for diversity within the firm.

The Committee on Racial and Ethnic Diversity (CRED@Goodwin) is focused on supporting Goodwin lawyers of color and helping the firm to execute innovative strategies to attract and retain talented lawyers of color; support lawyers of color throughout their careers through professional development, mentorship, and sponsorship; promote advancement of lawyers of color to leadership positions throughout the firm; and create a community that is increasingly culturally aware and appreciative of the firm’s diversity and the ways it enriches Goodwin.

Pride@Goodwin focuses on recruiting, advancing, and retaining LGBTQ+ lawyers and promoting a culture of inclusion across the firm. Pride has partnered with US organizations such as GLAD, The National LGBTQ Bar Association and the Transgender Law Center to develop and produce a series of pro bono participation events.

Women@Goodwin aims to attract, retain, develop, and advance women at all stages of their careers and promote our women lawyers as leaders both inside and outside the firm; amplify the voices of women across all races, sexual orientations, abilities, religion, backgrounds, and lived experiences; and advance the efforts of DEI across the firm, in alliance with CRED@Goodwin and Pride@Goodwin.

The Women of Color Collective (WOCC) is a community of BIPOC women-identifying lawyers at Goodwin. The WOCC aims to provide a dedicated space to cultivate community, share experiences, and navigate the unique challenges that arise for women of color at the firm.

Resource Groups

Each resource group is open to all members of the Goodwin community, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other demographic category.

Disability@Goodwin aims to contribute to an environment where people feel safe and supported to come to work as themselves, no matter their abilities; provide a supportive and inclusive space for building community among individuals with disabilities and their allies; and advocate for, and educate the firm on, the needs of the disability community at Goodwin.

FirstGen@Goodwin is focused on creating community around the shared experiences of first-generation professionals; supporting the retention and development of first-generation professionals; and advocating for the removal of barriers to first-generation success in the legal industry.

The Jewish Network aims to promote a space where the Jewish community feels recognized, heard, and supported; provide opportunities to raise awareness of and discuss issues affecting the Jewish community, including anti-Semitism; and engage with allies within and outside the firm to provide opportunities to educate and dialogue about issues affecting our Jewish community.

The Muslim Network is focused on creating a safe space for our Muslim community to connect and support one another; collaborating with allies to support the recruitment, development, and retention of Muslim lawyers and GO! Team professionals; and advocating, educating, and raising awareness in support of the Muslim community.

Veterans@Goodwin is a collaborative environment for firm military community members to share their experiences, foster and grow community, serve as resources for one another, and act as subject-matter experts for military-related client engagement, recruitment, and the like.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Our commitment to DEI is part of our commitment to non-discrimination.


We actively support the American Bar Association’s Resolution 113, which encourages legal service providers to expand and create opportunities for diverse lawyers and urges legal services buyers to direct a greater percentage of their legal spending toward diverse lawyers.

We are a signatory to the American Bar Association’s Pledge for Change: Disability Diversity in the Legal Profession, which affirms our commitment to employees with disabilities.

We are an original signatory to the Mansfield Rule and have received Mansfield certification every year since its inception. In 2023, we received our Mansfield UK certification, and we continue to engage with Diversity Lab.

We have participated in the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity since its inception, and our lawyers consistently participate in its Fellowship and Pathfinders programs.

Goodwin UK DEI Statistics and Reports

DEI is at the forefront of the firm's strategy, and we have collected data on our workforce to help identify where we should focus our resources, assess the impact of our initiatives, and to measure out progress as a firm. Read our diversity statistics report.

We are committed to reviewing our criteria for pay gap reporting. That is why we are pleased to share our gender pay gap data in an effort to be transparent about where we are at now and what we must do to close the gap. Read our pay gap report.

Get in Touch

Carrie Gilman
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
+1 212 459 7286

Lauren Diaz
Director of Program Management, Chair of BOLD@Goodwin
+1 212 459 7060

Marc Macenka
Partner, Executive Sponsor of BOLD@Goodwin
+1 617 570 1145

Kevin Lam
Partner, Co-Chair of CRED@Goodwin
+1 650 752 3210

Calvin Wingfield
Partner, Co-Chair of CRED@Goodwin
+1 202 346 4117

Chris Wilson
Partner, Co-Chair of CRED@Goodwin
+1 617 570 3925

Christina Lewis
Partner, Co-Chair of Pride@Goodwin
+1 617 570 1565

James Mattus
Partner, Co-Chair of Pride@Goodwin
+1 617 570 3916

Sarah Solomon
Partner, Co-Chair of Women@Goodwin
+1 617 570 1430

Huiya Wu
Partner, Co-Chair of Women@Goodwin
+1 212 459 7270

Sabrina Rose-Smith
Partner, Chair of Women of Color Collective
+1 202 346 4185

John Ferguson
Partner, Executive Sponsor of Disability@Goodwin
+1 212 813 8827

Kenny Walker-Durrant
Partner, Executive Sponsor of FirstGen@Goodwin
+44 (0)20 7447 4291

Andrew Kim
Partner, Executive Sponsor of FirstGen@Goodwin
+1 202 346 4165

Jared Spitalnick
Partner, Executive Sponsor of Jewish Network
+1 212 459 7137

Sarah Ashfaq
Partner, Executive Sponsor of Muslim Network
+1 212 459 7238

Collin Grier
Associate, Co-Chair of Veterans@Goodwin
+1 202 346 4276