Awards and Rankings
24 June 2021

Best Lawyers in France Recognizes 13 Paris Lawyers and Names Goodwin Private Equity Law Firm of the Year

The latest edition of Best Lawyers in France has recognized 13 Paris lawyers for excellence and named Goodwin Private Equity Law Firm of the Year. The annual guide honors lawyers and firms considered leaders in their legal practice areas by peers.

Goodwin’s Paris-based Private Equity team exemplifies the firm’s capital-meets-innovation platform. They have a long history of working on complex transactions across industries and geographies, and focus on supporting client growth throughout the corporate lifecycle.

Goodwin Paris Private Equity partner Arnaud David was recognized by Best Lawyers in France as the 2022 Lawyer of the Year for Private Equity Law.

The following Paris lawyers were included in the directory this year: 

Maxence Bloch
Private Equity Law
Corporate Law
Mergers and Acquisitions Law 

Thomas Maitrejean
Private Equity Law
Corporate Law

Anne-Charlotte Rivière
Venture Capital

Jérôme Jouhanneaud
Private Equity Law
Corporate Law
Mergers and Acquisitions Law

Arnaud David
Private Equity Law
Investment Funds 

Rodolphe Amaudric du Chaffaut
Mergers and Acquisitions Law 

Laurent Bonnet
Banking and Finance

Nathalie Alibert
Leveraged Buyouts

Best Lawyers is an annual ranking designed to capture the opinion of leading lawyers about the professional abilities of their colleagues within the same geographical and legal practice areas.

To view the full list for France, please click here.