IFLR1000 has highly ranked 70 Goodwin lawyers and 26 practice areas in the thirty-fourth edition of its annual financial and corporate legal rankings. The guide uses in-depth market analysis and interviews with practitioners and clients to recognize the leading corporate law firms and lawyers impacting the business of law around the world.

The 2024 results reflect the global strength of Goodwin’s capital–meets–innovation platform across geographies and select industry verticals. Client feedback noted that the firm’s lawyers are “subject matter experts whilst retaining a commercial overview at all times coupled with excellent client service.”

Goodwin’s practice rankings in IFLR1000 include:

Goodwin lawyers were named Highly Regarded Lawyers, Notable Practitioners, Women Leaders, Rising Stars and Expert Consultants. Those recognized by IFLR1000 include:

To view Goodwin’s full 2024 results, visit IFLR1000.