Pharmaceutical patents often claim methods of administering a therapeutic according to a specific dosing regimen, and the validity of these therapeutic dosing regimen claims have been challenged at the district courts and at the US Patent Trial and Appeal Board with mixed results. This webinar analyzes the state of the law in district courts, the Federal Circuit, and at the PTAB regarding validity of patents claiming therapeutic dosing regimens. Join us as we discuss the trends and analyze relevant decisions across forums over the past several years and identify considerations for patent drafting and patent challenges involving dosing claims.
Molly Grammel, Emily Rapalino, Olivia Uitto, Madeline Bordynoski and Zac Holmes will host this webinar.
CLE credit will be offered for California, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.
- /en/people/g/grammel-molly
Molly R. Grammel
Partner - /en/people/r/rapalino-emily
Emily L. Rapalino
Partner - /en/people/u/uitto-olivia
Olivia D. Uitto
Partner - /en/people/b/bordynoski-madeline
Madeline Bordynoski
Associate - /en/people/h/holmes-zachariah
Zachariah Holmes, PhD
Science Law Clerk