
The False Claims Act: What Companies Should Know to Avoid Liability

May 11, 2017 | 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
The Downtown Harvard Club, One Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts


The False Claims Act provides for the government or individuals to file suit when a company knowingly makes a false claim for compensation from the government. Any business that deals with the U.S. government needs to know the potential areas for false claims and best practices to avoid liability with fines and treble damages. The distinguished panelists will discuss recent issues involving the False Claims Act, how to proactively prevent false claims, and defense strategies. The scope will include both federal and state false claims acts and is relevant to companies dealing with both the U.S. and state governments.

Gregg Shapiro, Assistant U.S. Attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice (Boston), and Gillian Feiner, Head of the False Claims Division for the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, will be joined by Goodwin partners Joseph Savage Jr. and James Rehnquist, Grant Thornton partner Erin Lentz, and the Whistleblower Law Collaborative’s Suzanne Durell, on the panel for the program hosted by Directors Roundtable Institute, a not-for-profit which organizes worldwide programming for Directors and their advisors.