Speaking Engagements

Hiring a GC: Advice from the C-Suite

May 9, 2017 | 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Goodwin Conference Center, 100 Northern Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts


As the scope of the General Counsel role grows increasingly beyond substantive legal practice and industry expertise in our complex business environment, the C-suite demands much more from their GC. Essential qualities include gravitas and executive presence, strong business and financial acumen, sophisticated strategic vision, impeccable judgment, cultural fit, ability to inspire positive change and innovation, and the list goes on. What other attributes, what kind of business acumen, how much legal, industry and technical expertise, and what type of persona does the C-suite really look for?

Please join Goodwin, Major, Lindsey & Africa, and Allegis Partners for an exciting discussion on these issues -- to get the panel’s thoughts on what they and their executive team looked for when they hired a GC. Brackett Denniston, Senior Counsel in Goodwin’s Litigation Department, will be a featured speaker.

If interested, please register now for a panel discussion on “Hiring a GC: Advice from the C-Suite” at https://www.mlaglobal.com/events/2017/05/09/hiring-a-gc-advice-from-the-c-suite.