Welcome to the latest issue of our annual report on consumer financial services, a guide to developments that are driving change in the industry. In the following pages, we highlight the market trends, legal developments, and enforcement dynamics that defined 2023, and offer insights about the evolving opportunities and challenges facing stakeholders in 2024.
The report has twelve chapters, starting with a market overview that provides data and analysis about the industry overall, followed by chapters that focus on eleven key industry segments.
Please reach out to the contacts listed below if you have questions or input or want to talk about how trends in the industry may affect your business.
- /en/people/r/rose_smith-sabrina
Sabrina M. Rose-Smith
Partner - /en/people/t/tayman-w-kyle
W. Kyle Tayman
Partner - /en/people/r/riffee-matthew
Matthew L. Riffee
Partner - /en/people/h/hennecken-christina
Christina L. Hennecken
Partner - /en/people/h/hayden-courtney
Courtney L. Hayden