Consumer Financial Services

To be successful, consumer financial services companies strive to offer new and innovative products and services through traditional and online channels. Banks and thrifts, mortgage companies, consumer lenders, credit card issuers, payments networks, auto lenders, technology companies and leasing entities regularly turn to our experienced consumer financial attorneys at Goodwin for counsel. We provide regulatory advice involving the development of new products, assist with the chartering and licensing of new financial services companies, draft compliance policies and procedures, conduct compliance reviews, and counsel on privacy and cybersecurity matters. Our attorneys regularly represent consumer financial services companies and trade associations — including the Electronic Funds Transfer Association and the Consumer Bankers Association — before Congress and federal and state regulatory agencies.

Goodwin has one of the largest consumer financial services litigation practices in the country, defending clients in class actions in multi-million dollar lawsuits, and federal and state government enforcement actions in jurisdictions across the country. Many of the suits we defend are high-stakes and present groundbreaking issues with industry-wide impact. We also represent consumer financial services clients in mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, asset purchases and sales, warehouse lending agreements, joint ventures, joint marketing agreements and outsourcing arrangements.
