Life Sciences partner Matt Wetzel was appointed to American Health Law Association (AHLA)’s Board of Directors.
AHLA is one of the nation’s largest, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) educational organization devoted to legal issues in the healthcare field.
At Goodwin, Wetzel is an experienced health lawyer and provides strategic advice to life sciences companies on complex healthcare laws and regulations, including federal and state fraud and abuse laws, Medicare and third party billing and reimbursement regulations, patient privacy obligations, and transparency requirements, among other areas. Wetzel co-leads the firm’s Medtech practice and co-chairs the firm’s Late Stage Drug Development practice.
Wetzel joined AHLA in 2005 and served as a member of the Diversity & Inclusion Council and later the Quality Council. He serves as the Fraud and Abuse Practice Group Chair and has been an author for several AHLA publications and podcasts.
For additional details on Wetzel’s appointment, please read AHLA’s press release.