Nine months after President Biden nominated Rohit Chopra to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Senate has now officially confirmed him. Goodwin partners in our Consumer Financial Services Enforcement & Litigation practice discussed this leadership change and addressed some top-of-mind questions, including:
- Does Rohit Chopra's appointment affect the CFPB’s areas of focus?
- Are there other offices or agencies whose emphasis aligns with the CFPB’s (i.e., NYDFS)? Will there be new regulations, and if so, where?
- What will this mean for financial institutions, and how can they prepare?
- /en/people/a/alexis-anthony
Anthony Alexis
Retired Partner - /en/people/s/schoenthal-allison
Allison Schoenthal
PartnerCo-Chair of Banking and Consumer Financial Services - /en/people/s/sheldon-matthew
Matthew S. Sheldon
PartnerCo-Chair of Banking and Consumer Financial Services - /en/people/r/rose_smith-sabrina
Sabrina M. Rose-Smith