Speaking Engagements

Fair Lending and CFPB Expectations

May 6, 2021 | 12:00 PM


The CFPB has publicly expressed that fair lending will be a strategic emphasis for the near future and that there will be increased scrutiny of fair lending and access to credit consumer financial services programs. How do you practice compliance with these laws and prepare for a CFPB examination? What happens when a CFPB examination leads to an investigation that results in collateral consequences such as an enforcement investigation and a referral to the U.S. Department of Justice? Learn from Goodwin partners Tony Alexis and Kim Holzel, along with Protiviti's Ken Shim, on how to mitigate risk in fair lending matters through review of policies and procedures, creation of strong compliance systems, and how to prepare for and react to a CFPB examination that focuses on fair lending matters. 

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