Effective management of legal risk and spend is increasingly important to the success of businesses across industries and geographies. As the stakes rise, the role of legal operations within corporations is vital to that success, as is the need to partner and innovate collaboratively with outside counsel.
Goodwin will host its third annual Legal Operations Roundtable on March 5, 2020. The event will provide an opportunity for general counsel and legal chief operating officers to discuss the future of the legal operations function, and work together to forge stronger partnerships between in-house teams and outside counsel.
Please click here for the agenda.
- /en/people/s/shepherd-heidi-goldstein
Heidi Goldstein Shepherd
Professional StaffChief Talent Officer and Assistant General Counsel for Employment - /en/people/d/desantis-federica
Federica De Santis
Counsel - /en/people/p/pegrum-victoria
Victoria Pegrum
National PartnerAssistant General Counsel