Speaking Engagements

Akamai, Aereo and Alice, and the Resulting IP Law Advancements and Ambiguities

November 4, 2014
Boston Bar Association, 16 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts


Explore the recent Supreme Court decisions in Limelight Networks v. Akamai Tech., ABC v. Aereo, and Alice Corp. v. CLS Int’l Bank. The panelists will present an overview of the cases, followed by an analysis of the resulting changes in the law, reactions from the Federal Circuit and potential ramifications for their future decisions. Goodwin Partner Elaine Herrmann Blais will participate on the panel.

For additional information, please visit: https://www.bostonbar.org/membership/events/event-details?ID=17214&utm_source=CLEmailer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CLE17214-2.
