Life Sciences Perspectives
March 14, 2024

FDA’s Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) Final Rule Under OIRA Review; Subcommittee on Health to Hold Hearing on Regulation of Diagnostic Tests

On March 1, 2024, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (“OIRA”), Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”), Executive Office of the President received the final version of FDA’s rule on regulation of laboratory developed tests (“LDTs”) for administrative review.  Having swiftly moved to OIRA review in under 5-months from the publication of the proposed rule and under 3-months from the end of its comment period, the rule has undoubtedly been a top priority for the FDA.  Further, as of the date of this post, OIRA has scheduled four back-to-back meetings with interested stakeholders, all of which are to be held the week of March 18th.  All of this signals that the final rule remains on track for potential issuance in April 2024, the target date for final action on the rule as we previously discussed here.

Further, on March 14, 2024, the House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair and Subcommittee on Health Chair announced a subcommittee hearing titled “Evaluating Approaches to Diagnostic Test Regulation and the Impact of the FDA’s Proposed Rule.”  The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 10:00 AM ET.  Additional information on attending or viewing the hearing is available here.

Be sure to bookmark our dedicated LDT Resource Page to stay informed on the latest news and analyses on LDTs.

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