
Unlocking the power of crowds to fund growth

Our Crowdfunding team advises companies on selling securities directly to the public without having to go through a 1933 Act registered IPO. This includes advising on issuer formation, offering preparation, and periodic SEC filings. We also advise on offering structures, including whether to pursue a public or private offering, and corporate governance.

Crowdfunding has become increasingly popular since the SEC revised Regulation A, adopted Regulation CF, and amended Regulation D to allow the marketing of private placements. We were at the forefront of this modernization process, filing one of the first Regulation A offerings on behalf of a real estate company that got qualified and went on to become a leader in securing this type of funding.

We also help companies determine whether to issue securities using Regulation CF or a marketed private placement. And we advise companies on innovative new ways to pursue crowdfunding, including using the revised SEC regulations to sell digital securities, which is expected to be the wave of the future.

Connect with our Crowdfunding team and let us know how we can help.